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A Special Message for Adult Humans

Your adventure in baby elf sitting is about to begin!


Thanks for joining the adventure in baby elf sitting!  Yes, it sounds too good to be true, but SnowPixies are a unique Christmas tradition that both your child and you can love and enjoy!  And because of the simple approach and purpose, it is a great way to enhance the spirit of Christmas for children. 


​With an outward focus, SnowPixies help build responsibility (without threats of the naughty list!) based on positive reinforcement by volunteering to help Santa care for a wee baby elf.  Being chosen by Santa as his helper with the responsibility of baby elf sitting will shift focus outward toward the needs of others during the Christmas season.


To maximize the benefits of a SnowPixie, it is important to remember that it is not intended to be a toy.  Rather, treat it as a guest in your home who wants to be introduced to your family, your Christmas traditions, and your values.  For this reason, it is best to discourage your child from holding the baby.  But use the sturdy little crib to carry the SnowPixie around so it can be involved in your seasonal activities.


​With that, here are some ways to make your SnowPixie a part of your family Christmas tradition:


  • A Letter to Santa!  Before the arrival, get together as a family and write a letter to Santa volunteering to baby elf-sit a SnowPixie with reasons why your home is the right place for a wee baby elf.


In subsequent years, before the arrival, you may want to consider sending a letter to Santa about your readiness to welcome back your baby elf.  The SnowPixie will return annually until you determine that it is old enough to take on responsibilities in the North Pole.​


  • The Arrival!  A good target date is around the first of December, but timing the arrival of the SnowPixie in your home is up to you based on your schedule, so choose a time that works best for your family.  


  • Hello, My Name Is…  After the “arrival,” as with any guest, make introductions.  Read the birth certificate and the personality card.  Then introduce yourselves (along with something you like about Christmas).


When your SnowPixie returns to your home in future years for the Christmas season, give a proper greeting by name and tell your baby elf why you are happy to have the SnowPixie back with you and about some of the fun you have planned for the coming Christmas season.​


  • A Letter from Santa!  Read Santa’s letter to help your child understand how to care for a SnowPixie


  • Get Mobile!  We know from experience that it is impossible for a child to not touch the baby elf but encourage your child to carry it around in the crib so the SnowPixie can experience all of your family fun at Christmas!  This is what makes SnowPixies interactive.


  • Talk to Me!  SnowPixies don’t speak but they are good listeners, so encourage your child to talk to them and keep them around family activities to listen, watch and learn how your family celebrates Christmas. 


  • No Place Like A Home for the Holiday!  Some SnowPixie families have sent pictures of tiny houses made for their SnowPixie (you can find some pictures in the Snowpxies Family Album).  This is an opportunity for children to use their imagination and creativity, while giving the SnowPixie a warm welcome. They can use materials or props from around the home to make the SnowPixie its own little home, or maybe even try to design or recreate the North Pole Nursery! This is something the whole family can work on together while listening to festive music. Just have fun with it and help your SnowPixie adjust to their stay in your home with a space of their own for the holiday!


  • Read to Me!  Everyone loves a good story, including SnowPixies, so read to them.  This is a good way to encourage your child to read, or have your child pick out a book and you read to both of them!  Be sure to include the SnowPixie books along with other favorite Christmas books.  Also read the story of the first Christmas with the birth of Jesus found in Luke 2 (verses 1-20).


  • Time for Bed!  Use your SnowPixie to build a bedtime routine with consistent activities at bedtime.  Help your child understand that by doing this they are helping the baby SnowPixie be secure and relaxed for the night.  That is what baby elf-sitters do!


  • Christmas Kitchen!  SnowPixies love the smell of fresh baked Christmas cookies and look forward to their Christmas Cookie Decorating class at the School of Elf Etiquette.  You can help them prepare by bringing the SnowPixie in the crib to watch you and your child bake and decorate Christmas cookies. They will love it!


  • Share the Love!  With your new batch of Christmas treats, continue the outward focus by packaging and delivering cookies with your child and SnowPixie to a neighbor or family member to spread some Christmas cheer!


  • Sparkle!  Taking your SnowPixie with your family to see the light displays in your neighborhood will bring back memories of the North Pole for the baby! 


  • Movie Night!  Set up some Christmas movie nights with holiday favorites selected by different family members to watch together.  Gather your festive snacks and your SnowPixie , dim the lights and start the show!


  • Who Likes Trivia!?  If you would like to play some SnowPixie Trivia as a family with your child and SnowPixie, questions based on the book, Journey of the SnowPixies, can be found by clicking here.  Get together with some hot chocolate and peppermint bark and test your collective knowledge!


  • A Captive Audience!  Your child can sing Christmas songs or even put on a Christmas show for the SnowPixie.  It will love the performance!  Some baby elf sitters have taken their SnowPixie along to see Christmas stage performances like the Nutcracker.


  • Thank You!  If you want to recognize the responsibility taken on by your child, get a small gift and have the Nanny Elf leave it during the night by the SnowPixie crib with a thank you note for the good care being given to the baby elf.


  • ​Christmas Eve.  On Christmas Eve, along with cookies and milk for Santa, allow your child to place the SnowPixie and crib under your Christmas Tree so the Nanny Elf can easily find and return the baby to the North Pole to start classes in the School of Elf Etiquette.  Encourage your child to send a note or drawing back with their SnowPixie as a reminder of the time with your family and then put it in the crib. This will be something your SnowPixie (and you!) will enjoy looking at and showing to friends!


​Now your SnowPixie is ready to store away until the next Christmas season when it will once again return to receive loving care from your family so Santa and the toy making elves can prepare for Christmas Day!  


​This is just a sampling, but you get the idea.  Instead of guilt-ridden obligation to create something new, simply incorporate a SnowPixie into your existing family holiday happenings in a way that encourages fun and relationship driven responsibility for your child.  In this way, you can have a "parent friendly" family Christmas tradition that enhances the magic and spirit of Christmas without a huge commitment of time and work. 


Simple...right?  Enjoy!



P.S.  Just a few more comments to share based on past experience:


  • If you have any pictures or stories you want to share about your adventures in baby elf sitting, please send them to us at You can find stories and pictures from other elf sitting families on the Pixie-Grams Page.


  • If the baby is damaged (i.e. becomes a chew toy for your dog…), you can replace the SnowPixie without buying an entire Care Package.  A replacement package can be found in the Shop.​


  • If you want to continue the SnowPixie fun and involvement for your child throughout the year, check out membership in the Baby Elf Sitters Club by clicking this link to the SnowPixies BESC Page.   â€‹â€‹


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