Yes, Christmas is coming, and blowing in with it is a frosty blizzard of the grinchy economy and more supply chain shortages. But as they say in the North Pole, Every snow cloud has a silver lining! Instead of getting caught up in the stress of seasonal expectations and “must have” things, Liz Weston from NerdWallet suggests that our challenges could be an opportunity to reshape how we celebrate. This can be done by choosing classic over trendy, hand-made over mass produced, and experiences over stuff. In other words, we can make this holiday season a learning opportunity for our kids.

If this idea resonates with you, then you may want to bring a Snowpixie Care Package into your home this year. Through an outward focus, a Snowpixie can help build your child’s responsibility based on positive reinforcement and desire to help Santa by caring for a cute wee baby elf. Rather than entitlement, the thought of being chosen as Santa’s helper along with the responsibility of caring for a baby elf will shift focus outward toward the needs of others during the Christmas season.
So, instead of a guilt-ridden obligation to create something new, simply incorporate a Snowpixie into your existing family holiday happenings in a way that encourages fun and relationship driven responsibilities for your child. The objective is to build a connection with the baby elf and help care for it through shared family activities. In this way, you can have a "parent friendly" family Christmas tradition that enhances the magic of Christmas without a huge commitment of time and work.
Want to know more? Follow this link to a Message for Parents on the Snowpixie website to learn ways that others have used the Snowpixie tradition to enhance family holiday spirit and values.
It is not too soon to order a Snowpixie Care Package. After all, Christmas is coming!