Santa Claus is coming to town, and you know what that avalanche of catalogs and sunami of ads for the latest “can’t live without” toys for your kids. The commercialization of Christmas is overwhelming at times and as a result, our inner Grinch begins to grow. But think back on your childhood Christmas memories. Typically, the most precious and enduring are not about the toys but rather the holiday activities you experienced together as a family.

And so, you set out on your personal crusade to follow that path and cultivate the same type of memories with your children. You are looking for fun and lasting ways to bring back an outward focus through the joy of giving.
When confronted with the challenge of the recent supply chain disruptions on popular toys, Liz Weston from NerdWallet shared her strategies for a more meaningful and less stressful holiday. 1 Her approach to simplifying Christmas included choosing:
Classic over trendy,
Handmade over mass produced,
Experiences over stuff, and
Creating learning opportunities for kids.
In other words, strategies to “de-grinchify Christmas.”
If this aligns with your way of thinking, then consider a “new” Christmas tradition for your family: Snowpixies!
Before you start to panic about adding another guilt-driven obligation to your already overbooked holiday schedule, relax. The simple approach of the Snowpixies bring a unique yet stress free Christmas tradition that both your child and you can love and enjoy! With an outward focus, Snowpixies provide an effective way to enhance the spirit of Christmas for younger children and grandchildren without a huge commitment of time and effort.
To learn more, check out this Message to Parents and go make some memories!
1 How the Toy Shortage Could Affect Your Holidays by Liz Weston, October 21, 2021, Article by NerdWallet and originally published by The Associated Press.